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Tips to Crack SSC CGL Examination


In today's scenario where everyone is looking for a government job either he be a student studying in 11th 12th or doing graduation, or doing engineering or in medical or be in a private job he or she is looking for a secure and save future by getting a government job. The reasons may vary from the hectic schedule of private jobs to their and stability to less pay and power given in the private jobs but the end result is that most of the students from the age group 20 to 30 are looking for a safe and bright future in the government jobs.

Central government jobs in there are two biggest body is of the central government of India that take the examination one is the UPSC which gives the job under the IAS Indian Administrative Services are under IPS that is Indian police services are under IFS that is Indian Foreign Services.
It is also true that to crack the IAS examination is a Uphill task and almost next to impossible does the next possible solution is the SSC CGL examination which gives an opportunity to above 25 lakh students to get a central government jobs the central government jobs include the jobs in income tax customs excise Ministries external affairs at the both Inspector and officer level they are much prestigious jobs directly under the IAS officers in the central government. You can check the SSC CGL Coaching Courses That we Provide to our students.

SSC Coaching Exams Delhi

These jobs are given on the basis of rank that comes in the SSC CGL examination conducted by SSC that is by the staff selection commission and its select the candidates on the basis of their marks in the SSC CGL exam. SSC CGL exam is now the biggest exam been given in India and is taken by almost 25 to 30 lakh students every year to secure a job in central government. One another reason of this being the biggest exam across India is because this exam ask the question only on the 10th level and does not include any questions from the professional courses like engineering medical law Etc. These exams ask for Major subjects that is maths English logic reasoning and general studies out of which the maximum weight age is given to maths and English however if we talked about teir 1 that is the prelim examination it comprises of all the four subjects given equal weighted but if you talk about the Tier 2 examination then the exam is only of maths and English does maths of English in totality has a total weight age of 600 out of 700 total marks the most important subjects for this papers.

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The trick of clearing this exam is actually in the shortcuts and tricks that one should use to do the questions fast and in a speedy way. Conventional way & doing questions by traditional methods Vansh all the purpose and will not help you clearing this exam. The less you use pen and paper the more easy will be to clear this kind of exam that means that you have to choose less variables used less equations do fast calculations and learn a lot of vocabulary and general studies to clear this exam. Another way to crack SSC CGL examination can be taking guidance from someone who has been preparing for SSC CGL exam for has cleared the SSC CGL exam or has been making students prepare for the exam cause he will guide you how to clear the exam in a much efficient way.

So the Crux of this exam clearance is in doing a maths question by the shortcut tricks and learning a lot of vocabulary Again by the means of word roots or by the means of visuals or by the means of audio but learning a lot of vocabulary will help you crack the exam easily.
We at Excel SSC coaching classes in Delhi not only tell the shortcut and tricks of maths are the ways to learn the vocabulary fast we also tell the students about the exam temperament and a few other strategies that will empower the student to crack the exam in the first attempt itself.

At the end of the day the students need to understand that this is not a UPSC examination wearing a lot of focus is given on general studies this is actually SSC CGL examination where a lot of focus is given to maths and English and in case you are able to master your math and English basically the maths tricks and the English vocabulary then this exam is yours and you can clear the exam with flying colours. If you talk about match in particular then it comprises of 6 module that is algebra quantitative aptitude trigonometry geometry mensuration and graphs. V as an institute have seen a lot of students have problem in trigonometry and geometry which is so called the advance part of maths but if we go by the experience of the teachers then these are the two most scoring topics in maths and does not require much of the calculation but do require a lot of tricks similar is the case with mensuration and area where is the trick is not to learn the formulas basically it is did trick in which you apply the formula fast and that too without the figure.
So the first step is to learn all the tricks about doing maths question and learning English vocabulary and the second part is to do a lot of questions a lot of questions of maths so that you can apply that trick even in a faster way and two key to vocabulary is to learn by the root word method and then keep on revising it till the day of examination and the win will be yours.

For any further queries students are most welcome to visit the institute and take advantage of the free counselling sessions given by the expert counsellors.



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