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SSC CGL New Pattern and Syllabus 2022- 2023

As we all know it is all over the news that the prestigious SSC CGL has changed the pattern of the exam and it has brought many new changes which were not expected by the student and they have done it intentionally so that the weightage of all the subjects can be equalised. Previously where all subjects were important for tier 1 but only maths and English use to come in tier 2 now all four subjects will come in equal weightage in tier 2 exam and prelim exam will be only qualifying in nature.
In this article we will cover the complete new pattern and Syllabus for SSC CGL 2022-2023 .

SSC CGL Tier-1 Exam : as stated above not this exam will only be qualifying in nature but will have all the four subjects this exam will be of 1 hour where in all four subjects including maths English reasoning and general studies will come all these four subjects will have equal weightage and each will have 25 questions every question will have +2 for the right answer and -0.5 for the wrong answer. This will be a Computer Based online exam wear in students have to give the exam by visiting the centre and doing the paper on the online test platform. The important thing is that now this exam is only qualifying in nature where as previously marks from these exams used to add in the main exam but now the prestigious SSC CGL prelim exam will only be qualifying in nature.Get Best SSC Coaching in Delhi @ Excel SSC Coaching Classes.

Another important aspect to not here is that even if the pattern has changed a bit but syllabus is still the same and student should not take this lightly because this has become qualifying in nature in fact the reality is now the exam has become tougher then before. Previously after clearing the prelim exam student had to focus only on two subjects that is maths and English with used to come in the main exam but now the case is different because after clearing the prelim exam which is qualifying in nature student will have to focus again on all the four subjects because in mains exam now all force subjects will come.

So just to summarise:

1. Tier-1 will have all four subjects exam will be online and duration will be one hour. This year one is compulsory for all posts & candidates.

2. It will have 25 questions each from maths English reasoning and general studies with +2 for every right answer and -0.5 for every wrong answer.

3. This example now be qualifying in nature and its marks will not be added but only who will be scoring well enough (Top 20% around) will be allowed to give the mains exam.


SSC CGL Syllabus 2022-2023


Now let us focus on the paper 2 of the prestigious SSC CGL exam which is also known as Tier 2 or you can simply say the mains exam. As stated above you can clearly see that mains exam is now difficult than before because now after clearing the prelim exam you will have to focus on all the four subject and not only on maths and English. This also means that the students who were not good with general studies or reasoning will now have less chance to clear the SSC CGL exam because now all the three subjects have almost equal weightage. Now let us see in detail what is the new pattern and weightage for paper 2 that is the mains exam.

Tier 2 Exam: now tier 2 exam will comprise of 3 different papers paper 1, Paper 2 and paper 3. Paper 1 is compulsory for all the students across all the different posts. paper 2 will be given by only the students who are applying for the junior Statistical Officer and paper 3 will be given by the students who want to apply for the assistant audit officer.

Paper 1 will again be divided into 3 sections. First section will have Mathematics and reasoning will have 30 questions each and every question will have + 3 for the right answer and -1 for the wrong answer so giving a total weightage of 90 marks each to maths and reasoning.

Section 2 will have English language and comprehension and journal studies English will have a total of 45 questions and general studies will have total of 25 questions 3 marks each for the right answer and -1 for the wrong answer so the total weightage of English will be 135 and general studies will be 75.

Section 3 will have computer knowledge test and Data Entry test these two exams will be qualifying in nature computer knowledge test will have 20 questions with + 3 for every right answer and -1 for wrong answer where is data entry speed test will only be the data entry and will be qualifying in nature. This computer knowledge test will cover up all the computer basics including the organisation of computer CPU input output devices Computer memory organisation backup devices Windows Explorer keyboard shortcuts and more this will also include all the basic software including window operating system basics of Microsoft Office like MS Word MS Excel MS PowerPoint and more this will also have internet and emails questions including web browsing searching downloading uploading managing and sending the emails will also include basics of e banking last but not the least this will also include basics of networking and cyber security like networking devices their protocol Network and information security thread including hacking virus.

Paper 2, which needs to be given by students only who are applying for junior Statistical Officer. Junior Statistical Officer will have only statistics wear in 100 questions will be asked and each question will have two marks the duration will be 2 hours. This statistical paper includes collection classification and representation of data measurement of Central tendency measurement of dispersion movements skunes and kurtosis this also includes correlation and regression along with probability theory probability distribution sampling theory statistical inference time series analysis and index numbers.

Paper 3 which will be given by students applying for Assistant Audit officer will have only finance and economic questions again 100 questions of 2 marks each and duration will be 2 hours. This paper 3 for finance and accounts will include financial accounting basic concepts of accounting it will also include basic concepts of economics and microeconomics theory of demand and supply it also includes theory of production and cost along with forms of market and price determination Indian economy economic reforms Money and banking and more..

We hope the above information will be very helpful to all the students preparing for SSC CGL examination and giving their paper in 2020 or 2023 we will be coming up with more such informative knowledge kindly keep looking this page.

We hope above all points will help you in selecting the best SSC coaching institute in Delhi for yourself we wish you all the luck and keep following this page and website for more such information blogs on SSC coaching in Delhi.


We hope above points covered by us will help many students out there preparing for SSC bank Railways police LIC FCI and other government job exams.... please join us and come for a free counselling session if you are looking for Best SSC coaching in Delhi, Best Bank P.O coaching in Delhi, Best Delhi Police coaching in Delhi , Best LIC Coaching In Delhi or Railways Coaching in Delhi.


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