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SSC CGL Maths Preparation Tips & Tricks


As we all know that most of the students who join coaching come and query about the maths faculty, 9 out of every 10 students that come and take coaching from us is always sceptical about Maths and their doubt is genuine because this exam depends a lot on maths and this is also true that the toppers of this exam actually very very good in maths. Maths is been comprehensively divided into 6 sub parts starting from algebra which would include your basic application basic surds algebra formulas LCM HCF simple calculations and more moving onto which starts with ratio followed by percentage then profit and loss then discount then speed train boats then work and time partnership and finally simple interest compound interest. After quantitative aptitude the next most important and typically considered to be most difficult topic of trigonometry comes which would include of basically four chapters that is trigonometric ratios trigonometric identities trigonometric application height and distance and the last chapter of degree and radian and if you believe the expert teachers they say that this topic is actually the most scoring part in maths and is wrongly considered and left by the students preparing for SSC CGL examination.
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After trigonometry it comes the chance of geometry with starts with chapter of polygons end of line and angles then moves onto the properties of triangles which includes similarity and congruence e followed by the four major points in a triangle that is orthocentre circumcentre incentre and centroid. Geometric would also include the most important chapter of circle and its properties from which good number of questions always come in the examination in fact none of the chapters is of less weight age and question comes from each and every chapter mentioned above. Love not the least comes the important topic of Aryan mensuration which most of the students think that it is about learning and mugging up the formulas however experts of maths say that this chapter is not about the formulas it is about the application of the formulas in a much faster and efficient way. Mensuration is again divided into two parts 1 is the basic mensuration which include your cube cuboid cone cylinder hollow cylinder sphere hemisphere and of the advancement sureshan which includes your pyramid and prism structures. Last chapter is of data interpretation which is not given much of a weight age in the exam only one question comes which might have 3-4 question based on it.

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So after discussing the syllabus letters come to the most important part of this blog that is how to prepare for math examination the main part of the Math examination lies in trigonometry and geometry also in mensuration because this will contribute to about 60% of the course rest 40% is about algebra quantitative aptitude and graphs.

It is also seen that trigonometry is more about the menu pollutions and bit of tricks rather than simply making of the identities as far as the identities are concerned only and only one identity is in the course of the students that is sin squared theta + cos squared theta is equal to 1 and rest of all the identities are actually in the class 11th and 12th and does not come in the SSC CGL examination. It is also true that most of the questions that come from trigonometry are from these two chapters that is trigonometric ratios and trigonometric identities which is very easy to do in less than 30 seconds if the student has graft the right track and the shortcut to do the question.

Experts of SSC CGL examination also believe that mensuration either it be the basic Mensuration of Advanced mansuration is also very easy once you understand the basic concept of how the formulas are coming and you need to focus and practice on the numerical application of the mensuration formulas. We have also seen that in the past years SSC CGL exam has been combining a lot of questions from mensuration with the topics like ratio and percentage from quantitative aptitude so as to increase the complexity of the question and to check the understanding level of the students about the two topics from just one question. So if a student is weak in ratio of percentage but is good at mensuration he might not be able to do the question because the formula of the mensuration will be clubbed up with the chapters of percentage and ratio.

We at Excel SSC coaching classes try our best to teach students about the shortest possible methods and tricks to solve all the question of Maths does in case a student has any doubt about the SSC CGL maths exam preparation he can walk in freely to any of UR centres and can't take the expert guidance from the teachers themselves ok and discussed with the counselors about the SSC CGL exam preparation.

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