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Coaching for SSC CGL, CHSL 10+2, MTS Coaching

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Fee: 17000 for 6 Months/ 18000 for One Year / 19000 for 2 Year / 20000 for LIFETIME
(Including Books, Online Classes, Test Series, Lifetime Revision Classes, SSC Tier 1 + SSC Tier 2 + Bank + Railways + D.P+ LIC + FCI + Other Govt. Job Preparation)


About SSC Exams


SSC Exams - Staff Selection Commission Exams


SSC stands for Staff Selection Commission it is a government body that takes care of all the recruitments in the central government jobs the staff selection commission takes care of the recruitments both at the 10 + 2 level and at the graduate level the exams conducted by SSC are CHSL which stands for Combined Higher Secondary Level exam and CGL which stands for Combined Graduate Level CHSL takes care of all the clerk positions in central government comprising of 2 Major posts that is LDC lower division clerk and DEO that is data entry operator. The CGL on the other hand takes care of all the jobs at a little higher post which includes the post of offices examiners inspectors auditors and more in the various departments of Central Government like Income Tax, customs, excise, Ministries Railways, CBI, Intelligence Bureau, Delhi Police and many more it is a common exam taken by government of India which tries to fulfill all the posts in these various departments at various levels SSC also takes care of the junior engineer exam which fulfills the post of junior engineer in civil mechanical and electronics SSC also takes care of MTS which stands for multitasking and is given by both 10 + 2 and Graduate Level students.

SSC conducts CGL once a year which comprises of 3 tier exam Tier 1 takes care of maths, English, logic reasoning, and general studies where is Tier 2 exam takes care of only maths and English. Tier 3 exam is of descriptive English and has been introduced from year 2016 itself. From year 2016 another change has been made by which Tier 1 exam is now conducted online.
The application form of CGL is filled during the month of December or January and the paper of Tier 1 usually happens around April and may Tier 2 exam of CGL is conducted around October of the same here followed by tier 3 exam. CGL is a highly reputed exam which takes care of the central government post under various Ministries.
These exams are given by all the people from age 22 to 30 years (with relaxation for few categories) and from all the education backgrounds. Once the student prepare for SSC exam she automatically gets repaired for almost all other government job exams including Bank PO Railways Ministries income tax Delhi police and more

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Talking about 10 + 2 exam its forms are filled usually in the month of August and the paper is conducted in the month of November December 10 + 2 exam also has similar course but the level of question compared to graduate level is a little less.

Eligibility criteria of SSC Graduate Level exam: age 20 to 30 and relaxation for some post till 32 years of age there is a further relaxation of 3 to 5 years for SC ST OBC and ex servicemen

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SYLLABUS - Prelims (4 sections of 50 marks each, Total time -75 Mins - Online Paper)

A. General Intelligence & Reasoning : General Intelligence and reasoning - consists of both verbal and nonverbal reasoning verbal reasoning means the questions that can be written in words and nonverbal simply means figures which has a logic but cannot be written in words. This includes analogeis, classification, series, coding decoding, blood relation, direction and distance, calendar, time sequence, clock, Venn diagrams and syllogisms, ranking test and metrics, cube and dice, permutation combination, probability, input output, mirror and water image, non verbal series, figure counting, calculation tricks etc.

B. General Studies: General studies include history (world & India), Geography (world and India), Polity (word & India), Economics (word & India) but the focus is given more to the Indian part of the course. It also includes physics, chemistry, biology, computers, general knowledge, Sports and a good percentage is given to current affairs.

C. Maths : The syllabus of maths include number system, calculations, HCF LCM, number series, arithmetic progression, Application of algebra, simplification, surds and indices, square and cube roots, averages, ages, ratio proportion, partnership, percentage, alligation & mixtures, profit and loss, discount, simple interest, compound interest, time and work, pipes and cisterns, time and distance, trains, boats, polygons, line and angles , triangle and its properties, circle and its properties, trigonometric ratios, trigonometric identities, height and distance, degree and radian, co-ordinate geometry, areas, volume and surface areas of common figures, volume and surface area of pyramid and prisms, graphs include histogram pie chart line graph etc.

D. English: English course includes common errors based on tenses, voice, causative, narration, articles, Syntex, noun, pronoun, adjective, modals, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions etc. English paper also includes comprehensions, cloze test, sequence of sentences, fill in the blanks, spelling mistakes, improvement of sentences, one word substitution, synonyms, antonyms etc.

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(2 sections , Total time-2hours for each section) Paper-I : Maths (200 marks) : The course outline for the SSC CGL Tier 2 exam maths is same as that of the Tier 1 Exam just that the level of difficulty of the question increases. Where Tier 1 focuses more on shortcuts and tricks Tier 2 exam focus is more on the concept of the student however the course outline is exactly the same for maths Tier 1 or Tier 2 exam the same course outline is off other exams like CHSL 10 + 2 or even of Delhi Police exam.

Paper-II : English Language & Comprehsion (200 marks): As far is the English of the Tier 2 exam is concerned it also follows the same course outline of the art of Tier 1 Exam with a few modifications like the introduction of active passive voice direct indirect speech etc.



Students are advised to prepare for Tier 2 exam along with the preparation of Tier 1 Exam because usually not much time is given between the two exams. Preparing for Tier 2 exam will also help students to score more in tier 1 exam.


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