Call 9999-7800-50 For Free Consultation or Visit us Here for Best SSC Coaching in Delhi
Admissions OPEN - Batches Starting on: 31-Mar-2025(Mon), 28-Mar-2025(Fri) --- Study From the Experts to be an Expert. Better STOP Searching - START Preparing NOW!

2022 Result: 32 Excelians in Top 100 --- 126 in Top 500 --- Total 1550 Selections in 2022 --- 1410 Selections in 2021 --- 955 Selections in 2020. - Delhi's Best SSC Coaching Institute With an Excellent Success Rate of 65%


(LIFETIME Validity, ALL Inclusive, Unlimited Views + Doubt Solving)

Rs.17,000 for OFFLINE + ONLINE Classes For SSC (Tier 1 + Tier 2 + Tier 3) + Bank P.O + RRB + LIC + FCI + D.P + Books + Test Series




Note: We Are Offering Only Face-2-Face Franchise!
Looking For Qualified Franchise Partner Specially in Haryana, U.P, Punjab, Rajasthan, Utrakhand, H.P and J&K


Are You Looking For a Good Business Opportunity..?
Does Your Locality has a lot of Students.. ?
Are You Looking for an Established Brand name..?
Do You Understand the Power of Education Business..?

Then, Be a part of the Fastest growing Institute of India!


Call Mr. Kohli on 9873503465 to Get the Details & Presentation
* (Please Go through the Information available on this page before Calling)



Face-2-Face Student-Teacher Franchise Available

With a Mission of Providing Quality Education,
We Invite All the Enthusiast Entrepreneurs...

Franchise Excel SSC Classes

Owning a Coaching Institute is a Prestegious Affair!!

Now get Face-2-Face Franchise in Your City
Looking For Qualified Franchise Partner Specially in Haryana, U.P, Punjab, Rajasthan, Utrakhand, H.P and J&K


To Make Quality EDUCATION available to ALL,
Excel SSC Here By Invites all the People looking forward to Enter the profitable Education Business.

To Open the Franchise of EXCEL CLASSES in your City,
Kindly Get in Touch With Our Franchisee Team,

Or Visit our Head Institute in Delhi.

Franchise in Education

Why To Go For Franchise / benefit of Education Industry .. ?

Lower Risks: Statistics consistently suggest that partnership with an established brand and a proven concept is more likely to succeed than are independent businesses.

Start-up assistance: With a great deal of accumulated experience franchisor can reduce mistakes that are costly in terms of both money and time.

Name recognition: Excel Classes being one of the most respected trusted and renowned in the education sector, you have the benefit of a nationally acclaimed name and brand.

Business plan: We Help partners develop a business plan, including marketing, Operations and More..

Proven system of operation: A proven system of operation developed and refined over the years to make the business a successful venture

Educational excellence: Products and services will help in shaping the future of today's students bringing wide respectability in the community by shaping students’ career


Excel SSC Coaching Patel Nagar


SSC Coaching institute Delhi


SSC CGL coaching Gurgaon



Franchise Excel SSC Coaching classes & Multiply Your Investment While Making Students Future.

Excel SSC is a Professional coaching Institute for Prepration of SSC (Staff Selection Commission - CGL) and Bank P.O. It is Run By an IIT Alumni.
SSC and Bank P.O Exam is taken by more than 40 Lac Students every year !!
Apart From SSC We also take care of the the Govt. Job Prepration for LIC (Life Insurance Corporation), Delhi Police, Bank P.O, CBI, FCI(Food Coprporation of India) and More..

Our Results clearly tells Success Story and for us our Students are everything. We take our Students Success as our success.
Over the past years, we have trained thousands of students, Imparting them the best of the knowledge with utmost Dedication.

Support From Our Side:

1.) Excel SSC Brand Name Usage & Google Cum Website Promotion

2.) Complete Faculty Recruitment Assistance, few Super Experienced Faculty will be Sent from Delhi.

3.) FREE Student Management, Fee Management, Feedback System & other required Softwares.

4.) Complete Study Material - Delivered to Your Institute (Both Hindi & English Format)

5.) Test Series - Both Offline & Online (In Hindi & English Medium)

6.) Your Online Marketing Will be Done by Us.

7.) Offline Marketing Material Will be all provided in Soft Copies.

8.) Counsellor Recruitment & Training Assistance will be provided by us.

9.) Inside Posters & Marketing material will be provided by us.

10.) Full Support and Guidance in setup, Marketing and in Day-Today Operations.

Our Franchise Head Will be in contact touch with you to Help you in setting up the Frnchise & Systems Improvements.


Advantages of / Why to franchise with Excel Classes?
1.) Owning a Coaching Institute is a Serious Prestigeous Business. It is anytime much More Easy, Profitable & convenient Than Taking a Franchise in Food / Clothing Sector.

2.) Excel Classes target a high chunk of Students. (more than 40 Lac Students take these tests every year !!)

3.) Its a Good Earning Opportunity while Shaping Future of the Students.

4.) High R.O.I - Only Business that is Profitable From the First Month.

5.) Leverage Our Brand Name.

6.) Get Listed on Our Website Which is visited by thousand of Students Daily.

Our Franchise Head will Assist completely in setting up the franchise Center.


Franchise Requirements:
Area Required: 1000 - 1500 sq. ft. on one of the Main Roads.
Investment: Rs. 4lac - Rs.6lac
• Passion to Educate, Motivate & Guide students.
• Strong will and determination to help shape the future of many young and aspiring individuals.
• An Educated Individual ready to Involved personally in the centre operations.
• Good managerial and administrative experience.


What Should be Your Location..?
SSC, Bank P.o, IIT and More.. These Exams are taken by Students Nation wide. Irrespective of your Location, You have a bright chances of Making it Success.
Although Being in a Big City gives you even Bigger Growth Perspective.
However being in small place.. Reduces your operational cost.

North: New Delhi | Haryana | Himachal Pradesh | Punjab | Uttaranchal | Uttar Pardesh
West: Gujarat | Rajasthan | Maharashtra | Goa
East: Meghalaya | West Bengal | Orissa
South: Kerala | Karnataka | Tamil Nadu | Andhra Pardesh
Center: Chhattisgarh | Madhya Pradesh | Bihar | Jharkhand
Union Territories: Chandigarh | Lakshadweep

Call Mr. Kohli on 9873503465 to Get the Details & Presentation
* (Please Go through the Information available on this page before Calling)


Join hands with Excel Classes - A Leader in SSC and IIT Entrance training for a booming business opportunity.


Franchise Excel SSC Classes




With a MISSION to Make EDUCATION available to ALL,
Excel SSC Here By Invites all the People looking forward to Enter the profitable Education Business.

To Open the Franchise of EXCEL CLASSES in your City,
Kindly Get in Touch With Our Franchisee Team,
Contact Mr.Kohli @ 9873-5034-65 or 9999-7800-50
* (Please Go through the above Information before Calling.)

Or Visit our Head Institute in Delhi.

Franchise in Education


Thanks & Regards
Excel SSC & IIT Franchise Team


SSC Coaching Class Franchise

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SSC Coaching Study Material



To Open a Franchise of EXCEL SSC CLASSES in your City, Click HERE for Details



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