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2022 Result: 32 Excelians in Top 100 --- 126 in Top 500 --- Total 1550 Selections in 2022 --- 1410 Selections in 2021 --- 955 Selections in 2020. - Delhi's Best SSC Coaching Institute With an Excellent Success Rate of 65%


(LIFETIME Validity, ALL Inclusive, Unlimited Views + Doubt Solving)

Rs.17,000 for OFFLINE + ONLINE Classes For SSC (Tier 1 + Tier 2 + Tier 3) + Bank P.O + RRB + LIC + FCI + D.P + Books + Test Series


FCI Coaching in Delhi


Fee: 17000 for 6 Months/ 18000 for One Year / 19000 for 2 Year / 20000 for LIFETIME
(Including Books, Online Classes, Test Series, Lifetime Revision Classes, SSC Tier 1 + SSC Tier 2 + Bank + Railways + D.P+ LIC + FCI + Other Govt. Job Preparation)


Food Corporation of India: was set up on 14 January 1965 having its first District Office at Thanjavur - rice bowl of Tamil Nadu - and headquarters at Chennai under the Food Corporations Act 1964 to implement the following objectives of the National Food Policy :
Effective price support operations for safeguarding the interests of the farmers
Distribution of foodgrains throughout the country for Public Distribution System
Maintaining satisfactory level of operational and buffer stocks of foodgrains to ensure National Food Security
Regulate market price to provide foodgrains to consumers at a reliable price
1 Statistics
2 Operation
3 References
4 External links

FCI Coaching in Delhi

It is one of the largest corporations in India and probably the largest supply chain management in Asia (Second in world ) . It operates through 5 zonal offices and 24 regional offices. Each year, the Food Corporation of India purchases roughly 15-20 per cent of India's wheat output and 12-15 per cent of its rice output. The purchases are made from the farmers at the rates declared by the Govt. of India. This rate is called as MSP (Minimum support Price). There is no limit for procurement in terms of volume, any quantity can be procured by FCI provided the stock satisfies FAQ (Fair Average Quality) specifications with respect to FCI.

The stocks are transported throughout India and issued to the State Government nominees at the rates declared by the Govt of India for further distribution under the Public Distribution System (PDS) for the consumption of the ration card holders. (FCI itself does not directly distribute any stock under PDS and its operations end at the exit of the stock from its depots). The difference between the purchase price and sale price, along with internal costs, are reimbursed by the Union Government in the form of Food Subsidy. At present the annual subsidy is around $10 billion. FCI by itself is not a Decision making authority, it does not decide anything about the MSP, Imports or Exports. It just implements the decisions made by the Ministry of Food and Ministry of Agriculture.

FCI Coaching in Delhi

FCI Exam Application Form

The application form must be submitted in the prescribed format published in the Employment News / Rozgar Samachar. The application form may be typed out in double space or neatly hand written.
The applications should be submitted to the concerned Regional Director as listed in the Notification.

FCI Exam Eligibility Criteria

Age: The age of a Candidate must lie between
(a) 20 to 27 years for Assistant Grade & SIs in CBI
(b) 18 to 27 years for inspectors of CE/IT & Div. Acctts/Auditors/UDCs, etc.
(c) 20 to 25 years for SIs in CPOs on the first day of August of the year of Examination.
The upper age limit may be relaxed in case of Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes and few such other reserved categories.
Educational Qualification: Degree of a recognized University or equivalent.
Desirable Qualification for SIs in CPOs: Possession of NCC 'B' or 'C' certificate or outstanding sports or athletic certificates.
Physical Standards: For the posts of Inspector of Central Excise and Preventive Officer, candidates have to satisfy the minimum physical standards as specified in the examination notifications. They would also be required to undergo a physical test.
For further clarification/explanations, please refer to Noticification when published in Emplyment News / Rozgar Samachar, etc.


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